2022年央视春节联欢晚会上,一群舞者身着青绿色的舞衣,长袖翻飞 (1),跟随着音乐的节奏,挥洒出一排刚柔并济的风韵(2),宛如与画中烟波浩渺的江河(3),层峦起伏的群山融合一体,这就是大型诗歌舞剧《只此青绿》。《只此青绿》的灵感来源于北宋名画《千里江山图》,是18岁天才少年王希孟唯一存世之作。自 1949 年以来,这幅画也仅只公开展出过两次。《只此青绿》的编舞,源自一位故宫博物院的研究人员对这幅巨作多年的潜心研究(4),仿佛穿越时空,生动还原了这位天才画家即将完成作品的时刻。这一火遍全国的诗歌舞剧的诞生十分不容易,光是创作就花了一年多,加之数月的修改和彩排之后,才最终搬上春晚大舞台。
本篇难度:4.5 / 5
长袖翻飞:即:随着音乐的节奏起舞。flutter v. 起舞,飘舞,为不及物动词。
flutter to the rhythm随着节奏起舞
jade 翠绿色,玉石绿色;turquoise 青绿色。
所以要将这个词汇进行含义的解读之后写成定语结构:rivers 【reaching out into vast mountains】 【blending into an expanse of mist】
灵感来源于:be inspired by
潜心研究:work hard on; devote oneself to; dedicate oneself to均可
生动还原:vividly recovered; recovered the picture lifelike,不建议使用to life / with life,因为后者表示“真的有了生命”,而强调的是宛如有了生命。
问世、诞生可以使用短语“see the light of day”
《只此青绿》The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting
《千里江山图》A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers
On the stage of the 2022 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, a group of dancers in turquoise green fluttered to the rhythm, unfolding an exquisite combination of charm with force and grace as if they had unfolded a picture of rivers reaching out into vast mountains blending into in an expanse of mist, and this is what is known as the grand poetic dance The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting, inspired by the famous painting in the Northern Song Dynasty "A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers", which is the only work in existence by an 18-year-old super-talented artist Wang Mengxi. Since 1949, his work has only been displayed to the public twice. The choreography originates from a researcher in the Palace Museum, who has been devoting years to this masterpiece of art, following time and space, he vividly recovered the moment when Wang Mengxi was about to accomplish this epic. It was far from easy work for the poetic dance to see the light of day. It took over one year for the creation alone, together with months of improvements and rehearsals before the poetic dance finally premiered on the Spring Festival Gala stage.
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